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Raktar Bar

Raktar Bar

Address: 1051 Budapest, Hercegprímás utca 12.


Infoline: 00 36 30 964 4664


As an international, friendly bar with nice prices and nice girls, Raktár Bar is the place to begin and end your night in Budapest. Our cool sound, trendy music and youthful ambient will grab you to the top – gather your friends and shake it till you make it.

When we were asked to define the feeling Raktár Bar offers, we faced a bit of difficulty. This urban ruin-bar serves as a sparkling and ever-changing meeting spot from 8 AM straight to 5 AM to a whole diversity of people who pop in. From preparties, right up to relaxations in the dawn, our spacy club satisfy all kind of needs of nightlife.

Being a popular venue for company events, press conferences and fashion shows, RaktárBár is not only a youthful and trendy location for a shot or two. By visiting Raktár Bar, you are also given an opportunity to experience a key ingredient to the modern cultural milleu of Budapest.  Don’t miss the chance to have an easy-going night in an uplifted company!

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